Adult Self Defense Classes
The journey to black belt is a life changing path. You will become stronger, balanced, and develop a clearer understanding of the world around you. The process of learning to defend yourself and those you care about requires that you develop habits that will get you physically strong, and keep you physically strong. Secondly you will develop a sense of awareness of the world around you; you will see things differently, more clearly. You will learn to see when things just don’t fit. This ability will help you in every aspect of your life, in relationships, in business, and in school.
If you want to be great, you have to surround yourself with great people. People dedicated to the common purpose of continuous and never ending improvement. The Norwood Branch has a dedicated black belt team of instructors. Some began as an opportunity to train with their children, or just as a personal development process. All of the black belts have now turned into instructors with their hearts desire to give back and help children and adults alike achieve their dreams.
If you are seeking an adult karate school in Colorado Springs this is your place. We will begin a journey that will develop self-defense skills, improve your fitness and flexibility level, and assist you in developing lifelong positive relationships.
The Norwood Branch offers adult karate classes and classes that allow adults to train with their children.